June 18, 2007

A Vent
About How Our Health Care
Treats Our Children!!!

I am sorry everyone, but I have had it with lazy Doctors and Crappy Health Insurance.

Wow, you say, what has caused this woman to go off the deep end?
I will tell you. This may be long, so you might want to pull up a chair!!!

Today, We took all three children to the doctors because they have been sick since Thursday. Turns out Matthew and Hunter have the Chicken Pox and a virus, plus Hunter has another sinus infection. Jessica has a virus plus a yeast infection. This is not the reason for my vent. The Nurse took good care of all of them.

Now for the Vent:

While we were waiting to be seen, I noticed that their Medical files had been left in the room. Being the Curious George, I decided to look in Hunter's file, since it was on top. As I am scanning through his file, I come upon his blood/urine labs. Probably about 4 years worth. Turns out as I am looking at them that he has had abnormal labs since he was a baby. Between 7 to 8 lows and highs on each lab. I was floored because the Pediatrician has always told us that Hunter's blood work was fine. I saw things like High Blood Sugar, Keytones in the urine, low CO2, low Creatine, High Red Blood cells, and ect. I know that it can't be good but I kept it in the back of my mind until I get home.

I look up, what I can remember on the internet. Everything I read was all bad. I finally look up Low Blood Creatine. Almost every site says Low Blood Creatine is indicative of Muscular Dystrophy or Old age. Since Hunter is 4yrs old, I doubt it is old age.

Now you have to remember, I was told a week or so ago that Matthew may have Muscular Dystrophy.

Our dear sweet Hunter has had health problems since he was born. He is unable to gain weight, His arms and legs are like sticks, he is not growing, he has AR, Gerd, and constipation, pain in his legs, shoulders, back, arms, and head, he has Apnea, and has Chronic Infections. We have been trying for years, to find out an answer, to why he has so many health problems. Doctors have always shrugged their shoulders and treated the symptoms.

I am not a genius, but if a child's blood/urine labs were so off for years. Wouldn't you want to investigate a little more. Wouldn't you think something was up. What is wrong with doctors. Do they not even look at the labs? Why is finding the answer and maybe giving the child the right medicine a problem. I trusted this Pediatrician. I would like to think this is an oversight, but it would have to be some hell of a oversight. What would of happened if I had not seen it. Would Hunter of never gotten the help he deserves. I am so mad I can't think straight. How dare they give this sweet little boy 4th rate care.

Ryan called the head Pediatrician of the practice and left a message. Hopefully He will call tomorrow and Ryan can talk him into helping us. He seems like a reasonable and caring man. I just can't believe what we have to go through to get decent care for our family. the sub standard care we get should and probably is illegal in some way.

Thanks for listening. Vent over!!!!!

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