January 24, 2008

Hmmm, Where have you been young lady???

Sorry blog world for being absent for awhile. I plead the fifth???

Life has been becoming increasingly busy for the past few months. Busy is actually an understatement!!!

In October, our regional center had Matthew evaluated by Easter Seals. The results of the eval was that Matthew needed Early Intervention services, Physical Therapy, and Occupational Therapy. He was already getting theraphy for depressive/aggressive episodes. We found out later that Matty was acting out because he was in pain and didn't have enough words to express it. Matthew also had Neuro appointments and tests run to find out why he is having Hypotonia/tremor through out his body. Jessica also started seeing a neuro and went on meds for seizures. This was/is on top of all the other specialists/therapies that Jessica, Hunter, Matthew, and I see.

So to say that life has been busy is an understatement. So far, we have made it through without much more gray hair. No, those are not tweezers behind my back!!!

I will try to be blog more from now on. I know I have been slacking. BIG HUGS!!!

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