May 2, 2008

That I may not live to see my children grow up.....
(I am sad tonight so please forgive my pity party!)
I knew when I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis that I may not be around forever. But with the advances in medicine, I leaned on the hope of a cure or at least the slowing of this diseases progress. I started Betaseron shots every other day, I took better care of myself, I watched even more of what I was eating, I ate mostly organic foods, and I took vitamins. My MS has progressed more than I would have liked. It is unbelieveable how much of the body can be affected by this disease. Though, all in all, I have adapted and accepted every change pretty well.
Three weeks ago, I was diagnosed with Diabetes, for some reason this diagnosis was harder to bear. I am still trying to learn how to deal with it. I hate the finger pricks, counting carbs, and the added medication. what's worse to me, is the horrible way I feel when my sugars are out of whack. I know diabetes unmonitored is deadly, so I do everything I am supposed too. I do it all so that I can be around to see my children grow up.
Today, I went to the Dr. for a diabetes check and to see what my blood tests revealed.
The blood tests were to see:
1. How long I have had diabetes....probably about a year.
2. If my kidney's have been affected.....thankfully No.
3. If my liver was healthy enough to go on a second more effective
Diabetes Medication....the anwser is....NO!!!
To the shock and dismay of everyone in the room.......I am in the early stages of Liver Failure.
Since I don't drink, do drugs, don't have Hepititas, and haven't had diabetes long enough to cause this, the Dr. is going to have to run a bunch of tests to find out why. I am also going to have another specialist added to my list. He seemed extremely puzzled/worried. I can live with MS, I can live with managed Diabetes, I cannot live without a liver. I won't even qualify for a transplant because of my other pre-existing diseases/disorders. The doctor made it pretty clear that we need to find out what is causing my liver failure ASAP because my liver enzymes were at a pretty high. At this point we can do nothing until we find out what is causing this. Ryan and I feel so helpless. I hate feeling helpless.
I did find out that my Cholestrol was in excellent shape. I am at no risk for heart disease. I joked with Ryan, "That if I died, at least I could donate my heart!" Ryan did not find this funny at all.
I can't figure out what is going on. All I want to do is live to see my children grow up. I am in no way giving up on that dream, but another thought keeps creeping into my head. What if God has other plans!!! What if I don't agree with those plans? Does it make me a bad person. Our family has gone through so much. It wouldn't be fair to them or me, if I was gone. Why, why, why???? I just want to live to see my children grow up!!!!


Lisa Emrich said...

Certainly this doesn't sound good, but did the doc consider that Betaseron could raise liver enzymes? Perhaps changing your MS med might return your liver to normal functioning.

Mel said...

I'm sorry that you are going through a hard time. That sounds like a lot to have on your plate at one time. Wishing you many blessings and peace at this time.

Jennifer said...

Lifting you up in prayer sweetie.

Huggles, Jennifer (p2p)